Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pantomime this

McKenzie told Dad that if you hold up your right index finger at someone, it means something really bad. Dad doesn't know what it means, so she asked me to explain it. I told her that if Dad doesn't know, I definitely don't know, because everything I know I learned from Dad.

"Go pick your nose, you Booger!"

She told me to "stop joking" -- that I must know -- but really I have no idea what it means. We discussed a few ways of testing to find out the gesture's meaning, like trying it out on a few authoritative-looking people and recording their responses. After considering who might be an authoritative figure in this case, though, we decided it'd be best to air on the side of caution. And so on behalf of McKenzie, I am reaching out to ye intellectual blog readers.

Can anyone please help us decipher this cryptic hand signal?