Monday, December 27, 2010


Naming the new cat has been a recurring topic of conversation over break. McKenzie likes names that sparkle, like Crystal, Diamond and Star. Cat hasn't responded to these names, but Kenzie insists that she does. If you squeeze any cat long enough, she'll start talking. I took her contributions into account when announcing the cat's official name at the dinner table last night.

"Gia has been named Giella Spotte Diamond White," I said.
"We mixed Gia and Ella because we liked both," McKenzie said. "But White Diamond sounds better."
Now I had to come up with an excuse besides 'I don't want my cat to sound like a porn star.'
"But then you'd have to change your last name to Diamond."
"Dad," McKenzie said, "can we change our last name to Diamond?"


  1. I like the way you call the Cat Kat, because I have one.
    She named herself Dorie at 2, and then Kat, secretly because I think she thought Makaila was too hard to spell.
    It stuck.
    Now she is almost 9, and it is sooo immature now.
    "Puhlease, mom." she whispers in public, rolling her eyes. "Don't tell people I'm Kat. It's sooo embarrassing.

  2. She is frickin' hilarious.

